
Productivity Managers' Network

Productivity Managers' Network

The Productivity Managers' Network is comprised of employee representatives from each County department, who have been designated as Quality and Productivity Managers by their department heads.

Among the benefits of being a Network Manager is the opportunity to participate in training conferences and seminars. The Network is at the informational forefront of County quality and productivity methods; has the opportunity to expand knowledge; and can be a catalyst in their own department.

The managers serve as a liaison between the Quality and Productivity Commission and his/her department. They also represent his/her department to various QPMN, QPC Committees, and other departments.

Productivity Manager Charters

Productivity Manager Handbook

Productivity Manager Roster


2024 PMN Executive Committee

Chair: Heidi Oliva, Fire

Executive Advisors: Stephanie Maxberry, Workforce Development, Aging and Community Services and Jennifer Coultas, Child Support Services

1st Vice-Chair: Keisha Belmaster, Health Services -  Harbor-UCLA Medical Cente

2nd Vice-Chair: Arman Depanian, Children and Family Services

PQA Co-Chairs:  Patricia Soltero Sanchez, Health Services - Rancho Los Amigos Rehabilitation Center

Education and Training Chair:  Connie Salgado-Sanchez, Health Services Administration

Productivity Investment Board (PIB) Advisory Committee:  Arman Depanian, Chair, Children and Family Services and Gregory Melendez, Co-Chair, Chief Information Office

2024 Upcoming General Meetings

February 14, 2024 - PMN General Training and Meeting - Belvedere Community Regional Park

May 1, 2024 - PMN General Training and Meeting - Virtual

August 7, 2024 - PMN Evaluation - Burton Chace Park Community Center

November 6, 2024 - PMN General Training and Meeting - Virtual

December 5, 2024 - PMN Holiday Reception - TBA

2021 PMN General Meetings
2020 PMN General Meetings
2019 PMN General Meetings
2018 PMN General Meetings
Productivity Managers’ Network Holiday Reception

2020 PMN General Meetings

2019 PMN General Meetings

2018 PMN General Meetings

Productivity Managers’ Network Holiday Reception

The Commission started a new tradition of honoring not only Productivity Managers, but also honoring those managers who have served in the past. The Commission values their service and is always open to their ideas, suggestions, and questions. The new “virtual” channel of communication with the alumni will serve as yet another conduit to new ideas and collaborations.