Department Visits
Under the Commission’s Strategic Plan, the Commission is scheduled to visit all County departments and meet with the Department Head, within a two-year cycle. This Committee coordinates Commissioner visits to departments.
The intent is to understand departmental operations and priorities, and to assist the department toward realizing enhanced productivity and quality services. All Commissioners should be familiar with the following in anticipation of program participation.
- Knowledge of the department's mission, organization, and services, as well as the challenges faced by the department
- Knowledge of the department's initiatives to address those challenges
- Strategies to help improve quality and productivity
Chair: Commissioner Nichelle Henderson
Members: Commissioners Dion Rambo (Vice-Chair), Jacki Bacharach, Viggo Butler, Rodney Gibson, Derek Hsieh, Marshal Mitchell, and Scott Palmer
Productivity Managers: Lana Ghil (Human Resources) and Jane Lam (Public Health)