Purified Drinking Water for Senior Citizens

The COVID-19 pandemic has been difficult for everyone, particularly for senior citizens. It is especially dangerous for seniors to be exposed to the potentially life-threatening virus. Many seniors are not able to shop for themselves, and have great difficulty carrying heavy items such as water. In an effort to assist the senior citizen community we serve, on May 6, 2020, East Los Angeles Sheriff’s Station delivered 20 water purifying pitchers to the senior citizen residents at “Hebert Housing Development.”
The gratitude and appreciation from the recipients were heartwarming and validated their need of easy access to purified water. They were happy to meet the captain of East Los Angeles Sheriff’s Station, Richard Mejia. These are the type of incidents that often go unnoticed by the public, but the men and women of East Los Angeles Station are strongly involved in meeting the needs of the community. Deputy personnel will continue maintaining their devoted partnership with the community we serve.