Public Works
Sativa - Lucien Street Waterline Project

Los Angeles County Public Works replaced 1,200 feet of a 4-inch waterline with an 8-inch waterline in the Sativa Los Angeles County Water District in a residential area of Unincorporated Willowbrook. The Sativa - Lucien Street Waterline Project, which started in February 2020, was urgently needed to provide a more reliable water supply to 6,800 people. The pandemic has greatly emphasized the need for reliable water as many residents continue to be isolated in their homes. The project team very quickly adapted the community focus of the project to address the unique challenges that the pandemic presented such as an increased number of people at home.
The team also carefully planned and implemented water shutdowns, traffic detours, parking restrictions, and provided customer notifications. The team successfully continued close coordination aided by daily remote communications among the contractor, construction inspector, District staff, designers, and project managers. The construction team adapted quickly to adhere to social distancing procedures and to use personal protective equipment. Impacts to the community were minimized and the project was successfully completed in June 2020.